Cosmetic Dentistry at Lebanon
Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry aimed at creating a positive change to your teeth and to your smile. Most think of tooth whitening or veneers when cosmetic dentistry comes to mind, but a cosmetic dentist can provide much more.
Facing it
Your smile plays a major role in how you perceive yourself, as well as in the impressions you make on the people around you. Surveys have shown that more than any other physical feature - eyes, hair, or body - the smile is what both men and women find most attractive in other people. A charming smile can open doors and knock down barriers that stand between you and a fuller, richer life. If, on the other hand, you are dissatisfied with your smile, it may be holding you back from fully embracing life and its opportunities.
Are you ready for a new smile?
Perhaps you've wondered whether straighter teeth might help you feel more confident in your professional life, or if a whiter, brighter smile might boost a dwindling social life.
If you're not completely happy with your smile, perhaps it's time to get a new one!
Ready for a change?
If you are unhappy with your appearance, you already know it. The dilemma lies in determining where you need improvement. Many people erroneously believe that all of their facial defects reside in their smile when, in fact, their flaws may lie elsewhere. In these cases, cosmetic or oral surgery or perhaps just a new hairstyle or updated makeup, rather than dental treatment...Determine if changing your smile might give you the boost you're looking for.
Cosmetic Dentistry services